Bilderberger 2011 picked up by ambulance? part 2

Jonathan Scobie
Jonathan Scobie

The secretive security mad Bilderberg group are meeting in St Moritz from the 9-12 June 2011. Concerned citizens and alternative media (and a few mainstream journalists) from around the world turned up to ensure the members and delegates of this group which contains royalty, business heads, military generals and politicians from NATO countries were not alone. What are these people doing? What are they discussing? All US politicians attending without getting permission from congress are breaking the Logan Act and morally what decisions are made here could echo into the future for the whole planet.

An ambualnce arrived at the St Moritz airport half an hour before a small propeller plane landed.
Airport staff informed me that there were no scheduled aircraft for the day, they also suggested that only a good pilot would get into the mountain range in which St Moritz sits due to the bad weather conditions on Thursday the 9th of June. The Passenger of the plane was moved by stretcher (part2) onto the Ambulance (after a red carpet was rolled out???).
Was this an attempt to not been seen by onlookers at the airport or was there actually a delegate of bilderberg with health issues. The Ambulance turned back up at the airport 20 minutes later, and it was reported by eyewitnesses that an ambulance had attended the location of Bilderberg, the Survetta Hotel.

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