Bilderberg 2011 Switzerland Briefing

Jonathan Scobie
Jonathan Scobie

Part 2 link -

Bilderberg 2011. Tony Gosling speaks to Jon S about the Bilderberg groups meetings in Switzerland in June 2011. Tony Gosling webmaster of discusses the history of the group, the connection to the Nazi's and the European Union. Tony argues that any group of people who wield so much power and have control of so much money should not be having meetings behind closed doors with no scrutiny or oversight.
You can contact Tony with stories or leads through his websites or or catch him on friday drivetime 5-7pm on community radio bristol link below.

Great Bilderberg info and links-

What you don't know about the Bilderberg-Group
by Thierry Meyssan*

The idea that the Bilderberg Group is behind the creation of a mysterious future World Government has been spreading for years. Having had access to the archives of this very secret club, Thierry Meyssan shows that this belief leads in a false direction, serving to mask the true identity and function of the Group. In reality, the Bilderberg Group is a creation of NATO. It aims to influence key leaders on a global scale and, through them, to manipulate public opinion to get it to embrace the ideas and actions of the Northern Atlantic Alliance. Every year since 1954, over one hundred of the most prominent personalities of Western Europe and North America meet - behind closed doors and under maximum security - within the Bilderberg Group. This exclusive seminar lasts for three days and almost nothing of the debates filters to the outside world.

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, numerous journalists have taken an interest in this secretive, elitist organization. Certain authors have seen it as the beginning of a World Government, responsible for the major political, cultural, economic and military decisions of the second half of the twentieth century. This interpretation has also been voiced by Fidel Castro, but it has never been confirmed nor invalidated by any solid facts.

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