Tony Gosling investigative journalist speaks at Truth Juice Birmingham

Jonathan Scobie
Jonathan Scobie

Tony Gosling investigative journalist speaks at Truth Juice Birmingham
Dear all,

Why does an organisation so massively influential in NATO and world affairs as the Bilderberg group go virtually unreported in the Western media?

With a few honourable exceptions.

Could it be a similar reason that former chief of the defence staff Sir Jock Stirrup reported 18 months ago the totally inappropriate nature of Adam Werrity's accompanying the Defence Secretary everywhere and basing his charity at Fox's MOD offices - national security entirely compromised - and the UK's senior forces figure - Jock Stirrup's warnings were totally ignored?

That Britain is the victim of extremely serious structural media problems that mean that when serious issues like these are raised and subsequently ignored they are not aired in the media which has become virtually paralysed to some of the biggest concerns of the public interest?

I gave a one-and-a-quarter-hour talk on the subject of many of the reasons for the failure of our media in Birmingham last week.

Tony Gosling investigative journalist speaks at Truth Juice Birmingham

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